Even if you only employ a handful of people paying them is complicated – and becoming more so. If you are finding that this is an administrative burden you’d rather do without then you can get our specialist payroll team to handle it for you.
They can manage everything from National Insurance and statutory deductions to PAYE tax calculations, the creation of payslips and P60s to RTI returns and online submissions to HMRC, the calculation of holiday and sickness pay to maintaining accurate and secure records. What’s more, they can guide you through the regulatory minefield presented by auto enrolment, updates to the National Minimum Wage and The National Living Wage.
Not only will we lift a huge administrative burden off your shoulders – you’ll also have the peace of mind that comes from knowing everything is being done correctly, accurately and securely, in full compliance with all the very latest rules and regulations.
If you’d like to see feedback from satisfied clients who use our payroll services see these case studies – Care Agency and Harry Fry Racing.